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 Hebe sp. (PLantaginaceae)? Sì, Hebe ×franciscana
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Città: Milano
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Inserito il - 20 marzo 2022 : 09:14:54  Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia

22 agosto 1998

In un'aiuola a Rosslare Harbour (Irlanda)

Da ricerche in rete sarei arrivato a Hebe speciosa, ma non credo si possa arrivare alla specie da questa sola foto.


Hebe sp.  (PLantaginaceae)?  Sì,  Hebe ×franciscana

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Città: Milano
Prov.: Milano

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34172 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 22 marzo 2022 : 07:53:21  Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Hebe andersonii ?

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Città: Robilante
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Flora e Fauna

Inserito il - 22 marzo 2022 : 21:58:49  Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Stando alla solita flora di Stace 2010 6 sono le spp., ibridi o cv coltivati e naturalizzati in UK e Ireland di cui allego la descrizione e una illustrazione. Dovendo scegliere opterei, visto le foglie ovato/ellittiche ad apice subacuto per Hebe ×franciscana (eastw.) Souster (H. elliptica × H.speciosa)

Riporto qui il solito Stace 2010
"In subgenus Pseudoveronica (formerly Hebe), apart from some dwarf montane spp. not natd in BI, no taxa are fully frost-hardy, and except in the extreme SW and in CI they are killed off in hard winters; however, viable seed can survive these winters in the ground.
Many spp., hybrids and cultivars are grown, especially by the sea in S En, but none is as well natd as the 6 treated here. Records of V. elliptica G. Forst. (Hebe elliptica (G. Forst.) Pennell) and V. speciosa R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn. (Hebe speciosa (R. Cunn. ex A. Cunn.) Andersen) apparently all refer to V. x franciscana.

Subgenus 10 - PSEUDOVERONICA J.B. Armstr. (section Hebe (Comm. ex Juss.) G.
Don) (spp. 28-33). Evergreen shrubs; leaves entire, with lateral veins largely
obscured by leaf tissues; inflorescences axillary racemes, usually 2 at each node.
28. V. salicifolia G. Forst. (Hebe salicifolia (G. Forst.) Pennell) - Koromiko. Shrub to
2m; leaf-bud sinuses present; leaves 7-12 x 0.7-1.5cm, linear-lanceolate, acuminate,
subglabrous to hairy at margin; racemes 10-20cm; corolla white or tinged pale lilac;
(2n=40, 80). Intrd-natd; by sea in Devon, Cornwall and Man, marginally so
elsewhere in BI; New Zealand and Chile.
29. V. x lewisii J.B. Armstr. (Hebe x lewisii (J.B. Armstr.) A. Wall; V. salicifolia x V.
elliptica) - Lewis's Hebe. Shrub to 1.5m; leaf-bud sinuses 0: leaves 3.5-7(10) x 1.4-
2.5cm, obovate to oblong-obovate, subacute to acute or shortly acuminate,
subglabrous to hairy at margin; racemes 4-6.5cm; corolla violet with white tube.
Intrd-natd; Man, Devon, Cornwall and Guernsey; New Zealand.
30. V. x franciscana Eastw. (Hebe x franciscana (Eastw.) Souster, Veronica x lewisii
auct. non J.B. Armstr., V. elliptica auct. non G. Forst., V. speciosa auct. non R. Cunn.
ex A. Cunn.; V. elliptica x V. speciosa) - Hedge Veronica. Shrub to 1.5m, leaf-bud
sinuses present; leaves 3-9 x 1-2.5cm, oblanceolate to obovate or oblong-obovate,
subacute to rounded at apex, subglabrous to hairy at margin; racemes 3-8cm;
corolla usually violet-blue, sometimes pinkish-purple. Intrd-natd; well natd by sea
in SW En, W Wa, S & W Ir, Man and CI, less so elsewhere in Bl N to Shetland;
garden origin. By far the most grown and commonest natd taxon, and often used
for seaside hedging in SW En. Cv. 'Blue Gem', with obtuse to rounded leaf-apex
and violet-blue flowers, is the mostly widely grown.
31. V. brachysiphon (Summerh.) Bean (Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.) - Hooker's
Hebe. Shrub to 2m; leaf-bud sinuses present, narrow; leaves 1.2-2.5 x 0.4-0.8cm,
obovate to narrowly elliptic-oblong, obtuse to acute, ± glabrous; racemes 2-4cm;
corolla white; (2n=120). Intrd-natd; scattered in S En, Man, N Ebudes, S Ir; New
32. V. dieffenbachii Benth. (Hebe dieffenbachii (Benth.) Cockayne & Allan) -
Dieffenbach's Hebe. Spreading shrub to 1m; leaf-bud sinuses 0; leaves 4.5-8 x 1-2cm,
narrowly oblong-elliptic, obtuse, subglabrous to hairy at margin; racemes 6-9cm;
corolla white to purplish-lilac; (2n=40). Intrd-natd; S En from Scilly to Dorset, NW
Ir; Chatham Island.
33. V. barkeri Cockayne (Hebe barkeri (Cockayne) A. Wall) - Barker's Hebe. Erect
shrub to 2.5m; leaf-bud sinuses 0; leaves 3-5 x 0.6-1.2cm, lanceolate to oblanceolate,
subacute, minutely hairy at first, then glabrous; racemes 5-7cm; corolla white or
tinged purple; (2n=40). Intrd-natd; Devon, Cornwall and Dorset; Chatham Island.

Hebe sp.  (PLantaginaceae)?  Sì,  Hebe ×franciscana
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Moderatore trasversale

Città: Milano
Prov.: Milano

Regione: Lombardia

34172 Messaggi
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Inserito il - 27 marzo 2022 : 06:02:46  Mostra Profilo  Apri la Finestra di Tassonomia
Messaggio originario di baudino:
...Dovendo scegliere opterei, visto le foglie ovato/ellittiche ad apice subacuto per Hebe ×franciscana (eastw.) Souster (H. elliptica × H.speciosa)
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