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Città: Milano
Prov.: Milano
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Inserito il - 24 settembre 2020 : 05:48:54
Immagine digitalizzata da stampa del 16 luglio 2006 Nella zona tra Walls e Sandness, nella parte occidentale dell’isola di Mainland.
Jasione montana ? Grazie
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Città: Robilante
Prov.: Cuneo
Regione: Piemonte
3969 Messaggi Flora e Fauna |
Inserito il - 24 settembre 2020 : 19:37:58
Sì è una J. montana. Sarebbe interessare capire se si tratti della var. nana della subsp. montana "Native. Usually on acidic, shallow, well-drained, light sandy or loamy soils, on sand dunes by the sea, maritime heathland, cliff-tops and walls, hedgebanks and roadside verges inland. Predominantly western and coastal in Britain, more scattered and declining in the east, rare in northern Scotland and mainly coastal in Ireland. Most of Europe to 62#9702; in Finland and 53#9702; E in Russia; Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. A member of the European Temperate element. All our plants are referable to subsp. montana which occurs throughout the range of the species except North Africa. Var. litoralis occurs on coastal dunes and also on the coasts of western Europe and Scandinavia. Var. nana is a dwarf plant of sandy shores or dwarf Calluna on seacliffs in scattered localities from Hampshire to Shetlands and at Ballyteige in Co. Wexford. It occurs also in western France. Var. imbricans occurs in Guernsey in the Channel Islands and Dingle in Co. Kerry. A similar plant occurs at Garmouth in Morayshire. It is also known from Finisterre in north-west Spain and Gironde in France. Var. latifolia grows in hedgrows and on exposed cliffs in western Great Britain and both western and eastern Ireland. It is scattered throughout Europe. The remaining plants are referable to var. montana which occurs throughout the range of subsp. montana. |
bruno |
Moderatore trasversale
Città: Milano
Prov.: Milano
Regione: Lombardia
34172 Messaggi Tutti i Forum |
Inserito il - 24 settembre 2020 : 21:28:47
| Messaggio originario di baudino:
Sì è una J. montana. Sarebbe interessare capire se si tratti della var. nana della subsp. montana ...
Vuoi arrivvare alla varietà della sottospecie!
A me basta la specie!
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