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Utente Senior
Città: Termoli
Prov.: Campobasso
Regione: Molise
3201 Messaggi Flora e Fauna |
Inserito il - 20 agosto 2016 : 15:25:02
Dipsacacea... Immagine: 197,17 KB Immagine: 269,35 KB Immagine: 141,42 KB Immagine: 218,91 KB Immagine: 113,61 KB
Math59 |
Città: Robilante
Prov.: Cuneo
Regione: Piemonte
3969 Messaggi Flora e Fauna |
Inserito il - 20 agosto 2016 : 18:58:42
probabilmente Scabiosa ochroleuca L. ma possibile confusione con Scabiosa triniifolia
Since this plant species (Scabiosa triniifolia) is close enough in its appearance by Scabiosa ochroleuca L. and could easily be mistaken in identifying it, we will present those discriminating features of those two plants, namely: Scabiosa ochroleuca L. – the basal leaves and lower ones on the stems are entire or simple penately-divided. The involucral bracts are shorter than the flowers. The calyx setae are of 2-3 times longer than the crown (epicalyx). The corolla of the outer flowers is obvious longer than the central flowers. Distribution area: Central and south-east Europe.
Scabiosa triniifolia Friv. – the basal leaves and lower ones on the stems are of 2-3 times penately-divided, with liniar segments. The involucral bracts are as longer as the flowers. The calyx setae are of 2-5 times longer than the crown (epicalyx). The corolla of the outer flowers is hardly longer than the corolla of central flowers. Distribution area: Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey). |
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